
How you can reach us

contact form

Below you will find our contact details. You can reach us by phone on weekdays from 8 – 7 o'clock. You can also contact us around the clock by email or via our contact form.

contact details

Anton Hipp GmbH
Annastraße 25/1
78567 Fridingen an der Donau

Phone: +49 7463 993030
Fax: +49 7463 9930350


Emergency address for reportable incidents:
Phone: +49 7463 99303-14

Social Media

Directions for visitors

Fridingen is located in the district of Tuttlingen, not far from the district town on the Danube. Let us calculate the fastest route to us below.
We can also arrange for you to be picked up from the train station in Tuttlingen.

Visitor address

Württembergerstr. 12
78567 Fridingen an der Donau


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